I have two toddlers ages 2 1/2 and 1 1/2. We bought the Your Baby Can Read DVD Set a few months ago and I was a bit skeptical at first. I watched the infomercial showing one year olds pointing out words that they recognized. I was impressed by the infomercial but I did not expect my daughters to really pick up on words.
My two year old has had a speech delay and she is in speech therapy. She was a little delayed saying basic words. She is now in speech therapy and the therapist says that the best way for her to start talking more is to get her to instantly say the words that she understands. The video Your Baby Can Read actually gets the kids involved in the video. There will be a picture of something they recognize and it will ask them "Can you say ball?". It asks them to repeat everything and this really got my daughter saying more words. The first time I put the video in my 2 year old said at least 10 new words!
The words that the video introduces are small words and large words like "hippopotamus" and "chimpanzee". My daughter can recognize these words now it is amazing. If I show her the word "hippopotamus" she will point to the correct animal.
My one year old is now saying more words and beginning to recognize words like "nose". I see now that babies can understand and remember the shapes of letters and words which is a huge jump start in the reading process.
Your Baby Can Read is more stimulating for children than Baby Einstein in my opinion. Baby Einstein plays music and shows pictures of toys but Your Baby Can Read engages children in the video.Show your child words as much as you can, their memories are excellent and introducing them to written language early will have great benefits. Imagine how confident your child will be of himself when he is reading way before his peers.