Thursday, December 29, 2011

Review on Your Baby Can Read DVDs

!±8± Review on Your Baby Can Read DVDs

I have two toddlers ages 2 1/2 and 1 1/2. We bought the Your Baby Can Read DVD Set a few months ago and I was a bit skeptical at first. I watched the infomercial showing one year olds pointing out words that they recognized. I was impressed by the infomercial but I did not expect my daughters to really pick up on words.

My two year old has had a speech delay and she is in speech therapy. She was a little delayed saying basic words. She is now in speech therapy and the therapist says that the best way for her to start talking more is to get her to instantly say the words that she understands. The video Your Baby Can Read actually gets the kids involved in the video. There will be a picture of something they recognize and it will ask them "Can you say ball?". It asks them to repeat everything and this really got my daughter saying more words. The first time I put the video in my 2 year old said at least 10 new words!

The words that the video introduces are small words and large words like "hippopotamus" and "chimpanzee". My daughter can recognize these words now it is amazing. If I show her the word "hippopotamus" she will point to the correct animal.

My one year old is now saying more words and beginning to recognize words like "nose". I see now that babies can understand and remember the shapes of letters and words which is a huge jump start in the reading process.

Your Baby Can Read is more stimulating for children than Baby Einstein in my opinion. Baby Einstein plays music and shows pictures of toys but Your Baby Can Read engages children in the video.

Show your child words as much as you can, their memories are excellent and introducing them to written language early will have great benefits. Imagine how confident your child will be of himself when he is reading way before his peers.

Review on Your Baby Can Read DVDs

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Recaro ProRIDE Convertible Car Seat - Misty -- gray

!±8± Recaro ProRIDE Convertible Car Seat - Misty -- gray

Brand : Recaro | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 12:50:38 | N/A

  • Recaro ProRIDE Convertible Car Seat — Misty From motorsport vehicles to office chairs, Recaro
  • Featuring five areas of side impact protection, EPS foam, mesh insert and an easy-to-adjust head
  • Why You’ll Love It: When it comes to seating, Recaro really can’t be beat! Features 5
  • Seated height: Up to 37.5 Rear-facing: From 5 to 35 lbs
  • Forward-facing: From 20 to 70 lbs

More Specification..!!

Recaro ProRIDE Convertible Car Seat - Misty -- gray

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Topquality Clek Oobr Booster Car Seat review The Clek Oobr booster seats are designed with an integrated rigid LATCH system to deliver both the safety of LATCH and the convenience of uncomplicated installation, features typically at odds with one another

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Should I Know About Strattera for ADHD?

!±8± What Should I Know About Strattera for ADHD?

Strattera came out around January of 2003, and is becoming more and more popular as a treatment for ADHD. Strattera is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that came on the market in 2003. It is becoming more and more popular as a treatment for ADHD and is available nationally. Strattera is a type of ADHD treatment that works differently from the other ADHD medications available.
Strattera works by selectively blocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine by certain nerve cells in the brain. This increases the availability of norepinephrine, which is thought to be essential in regulating impulse control, organization and attention.
In clinical trials, some patients discontinued their stimulant medications within one or two days of beginning Strattera. But our reports are that ADHD kids who had been treated successfully with stimulants do not seem to respond as well to the Strattera as those ADHD kids who had never been treated with stimulants. This is probably true, as we have seen this happen with children and teens being treated with ATTEND. We think this is because even small doses of stimulants can be so effective that they "spoil" both the kids and the parents, and they want to keep taking at least a tiny dose of stimulant along with either their ATTEND or Strattera. Learn more information on Ritalin, and ATTEND at the ADHD Information Library.
Please take Strattera exactly as directed by your doctor. Strattera offers flexible dosing, once or twice daily. Discuss a convenient schedule for taking Strattera with your doctor.
Do not take Strattera with any other medications, even over-the-counter medications! You must talk with your doctor first! Talk to the Pharmacist too! Our reports indicate that there may be serious problems taking anti-depressants with Strattera. In fact, our reports indicate that there can be serious problems taking even Benedryl with Strattera. But our reports indicate that small doses of stimulants may be OK with Strattera, and may even enhance treatment.
Strattera may be taken with or without food. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as possible, but do not take more than your total daily dose in any 24-hour period. If possible, take Strattera at the same time every day to keep on schedule. Strattera capsules should never be broken and sprinkled on food. They must be taken whole.
Our reports indicate that it takes 4 to 6 weeks for Strattera to work well (to reach therapeutic levels). We believe that Lilly will experience the same problems that VAXA has in getting people to stick with ATTEND, which also takes 4 to 6 weeks to work well. The problem is that parents usually only give an intervention 2 weeks to work, and move on to something else if they haven't already seen the results they expect.
Stimulants, when prescribed with the correct dose, work in about 20 minutes, so parents tend to go back to using them, even with their harsher side-effects. After all, the parents don't experience the unpleasant side-effects -- their kids do. But the parents do enjoy the benefits of the medication around the home.
Our reports also indicate that Strattera, like Attend, has fewer "ups and downs" than stimulants. There can be some stomach problems, but there is less of a "rebound" effect. By the way, for reducing the "rebound" effect of stimulants, try drinking a Mountain Dew at the 3 hour mark (for Ritalin). This seems to help a great deal to eliminate the "crashing" off a dose of Ritalin, and make a smooth landing.
In one of the Strattera studies the researchers reported that adverse events did occur in some patients, including rhinitis (33.3%), headache (20%), anorexia (16.7%), and dizziness (16.7%). No serious side effects were observed and no patients stopped medication or discontinued the study due to adverse events.
There have been reports of prostate problems in men with ADHD from various sources, so men should be careful.
In each of six clinical trials, Strattera was better than placebo in reducing the symptoms of ADHD in children, adolescents and adults. The positive effects of Strattera were seen for overall ADHD symptoms including hyperactive /impulsive symptoms and inattentive symptoms. But we are not convinced that this statement is very powerful. Even coffee is better than placebo. Would you take a medication that was not better than placebo? ATTEND, which is a nutritional product, makes statistically significant improvements on the computerized TOVA CPT test in 70% of subjects, and 80% improve on Parent Rating Scales; Ritalin makes statistically significant improvements on the computerized TOVA CPT test in 80% of subjects. Is Strattera better than these?
So far, parents love the fact that this is not a triplicate prescription. Doctors love this too. Ritalin is a hassle to prescribe, and a hassle to get from the pharmacy. However, the bottom line needs to be seen in the real world. Does Strattera work better than Attend? Does Strattera work better than stimulants? Will there be any long-term side-effects? How long will families pay 0 a month before they switch to another treatment option?
You can learn more about Strattera at the ADHD Information Library.

What Should I Know About Strattera for ADHD?

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Family Meetings: Parents Help Your Kids Discuss With This Special Formula

!±8± Family Meetings: Parents Help Your Kids Discuss With This Special Formula

Do sarcasm, put-downs, and pouting keep you from holding Family Meetings? Do you want your kids to speak up, to listen, and to be respectful? Do you want them to become people of character?

In his book, Character Is Destiny, Senator John McCain said, "It is your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy...and you choose it." Parents, if you want your children to be happy, help them to choose character. The Family Meeting is an excellent tool to help them make that choice.

Perhaps, like other parents, you fear the battles that could occur during family meetings. Maybe you don't know how to teach your kids the skills they need. If so, this special Communication Formula is for you. It's as easy as one, two, three.

Communication Formula:

1.When you...(Be specific about a behavior.)

2.I feel...(Name a feeling like mad, upset, and angry.)

3.I want you to...(Give a specific positive behavior.)

Use this communication formula with your kids and have them practice it with each other. Here are three examples.

1st Example(by an older sister)

1.Victor, when you're sarcastic with me,

2.I feel mad.

3.I want you to talk to me in a nicer voice.

2nd Example (by a parent)

1.Gretta, when you pout if I don't buy you a toy,

2.I feel upset with you.

3.I want you to take a "No" nicely and say, "OK Mom."

3rd Example (by a younger brother)

1.Bubba, when you hit me and call me names,

2.I feel angry.

3.I want you to talk nicely and play fair with me.

At a time outside the Family Meeting:

Practice! Practice! Practice!

When you hold Family Meetings the formula will be ready to use. You won't have to worry about your kids fighting with each other because they'll have this Communication Formula to use. They'll be expressing themselves effectively and building character too.

Family Meetings: Parents Help Your Kids Discuss With This Special Formula

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Recaro Young Sport Child Car Seat - Midnight Desert

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Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Help Your Child Manage Anger and Frustration in Sports and in Life - 12 Tips For Parents

!±8± How to Help Your Child Manage Anger and Frustration in Sports and in Life - 12 Tips For Parents

As a result of a brawl at a New York Yankees game, an outburst at the US Open and some unpleasant actions by politicians and celebrities, I was interviewed by Cindy Hsu of WCBS TV in New York. During the interview, I explained what parents can do to help kids learn from these events.

The interview caused me to think more about his problem and what could be done. Here is a list of 14 tips which should be helpful:

1. Parents, coaches and league officials need to set guidelines and rules with consequences for violence, trash talk and inappropriate behaviors.

2. Parents need to model good sportsmanship and the idea of treating others with kindness, dignity and respect.

3. Kids need to learn anger management, self control, frustration management and meditative techniques at an early age.

4. Young athletes need to understand that anger will prevent them from entering the zone and from performing their best.

5. Athletes must be encouraged to respect their opponents. After all, they too are practicing and working hard and trying to do well.

6. You can't always get what you want in sports or in life.

7. Sports can be serious and competitive but they do not need to be life or death situations.

8. Perhaps we need to rethink the idea of winning at all costs all the time.

9. Kids should be encouraged to focus on mastery, discipline, respect and camaraderie as well as on winning.

10. Angry states of mind are not fun and they are very dangerous.

11. Sports reflect the kind of selfishness and narcissism which seems rampant in our culture right now.

12. Let your performance do the talking instead of your mouth or your fists.

How to Help Your Child Manage Anger and Frustration in Sports and in Life - 12 Tips For Parents

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Monday, October 31, 2011

The Best Baby Car Seat Reviews - Britax Advocate 70 CS Convertible Car Seat

!±8± The Best Baby Car Seat Reviews - Britax Advocate 70 CS Convertible Car Seat

If you are looking for a baby seat for your child, you will know that it is not an easy task to choose the best one.

I have been reading what felt like several thousand baby car seat reviews myself and here is my personal reviews to what I felt may be the best baby seat in the market. Hopefully it can help you to make a better choice for your child.

After searching high and low for the best car seats, I finally settled on the Britax Advocate 70 CS Convertible Car Seat after reading several best baby car seat reviews online. Basically I chose Britax Advocate for three main reasons:

1) They have a very good side-impact protection

2) The steel bar frame that will prevent the seat to collapse on my child

3) It will support a rear-facing child up to 40 lbs.

Initially, I was only searching for a convertible car seat that would cover all stages, including the booster seat. There are a quite a lot of those type of car seats out there. However, the more I go deeper into my research, I realized that there are a lot more to baby seat safety than I had ever thought about before.

On the Britax official website you will find that there is a great video that explains in detail as to why their safety features are so important. After I finish with the video, I was wondering why the relevant authority did not make it mandatory to follow the Britax standard features. They are really good on safety issues.

In the end, I ended up buying two Britax advocate 70 CS Convertible and turning my two and the half years old back around to be rear facing again, even though he has been front-facing for two years. Just so you know, the rear facing position is the safest position for kids to be in.

My son loves it and he also told us that he is much more comfortable in that position. This is because his neck is well supported when he falls asleep. My one year old also loves it. The Britax seats holds our child comfortably, and gives us peace of mind, knowing that the steel bar, safe-cell technology, and side-impact air cushions are there to protect their little bodies.

I was thinking about buying a third Britax car seat so that I don't have to move any of the seats from car to car. I have two cars - a sports utility van with LATCH and a sedan with tethers but no anchors.

I feel as a responsible parents, we will definitely want our precious children to be safe and sound when traveling on the road. We cannot assume that everything will always be fine and smooth, there are just too many irresponsible and crazy drivers out there on the road that investing on one of the best baby car seats will be worth while.

The Best Baby Car Seat Reviews - Britax Advocate 70 CS Convertible Car Seat

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